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Bottlefree Water Coolers – VS – Bottle Coolers

Introducing the Bottle free water cooler! The old style, office water cooler has been around for decades, most people don’t even give them much thought when they take a glass full of water! But when you tell people there is a better way, their ears usually perk up! Bottled Water is an unsustainable idea whose […]

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Get a Bottlefree Water Cooler

Bottlefree Water Coolers VS. Bottle Coolers The old style, office water cooler has been around for decades, most people don’t even give them much thought when they take a glass full of water! But when you tell people there is a better way, their ears usually perk up! Think Bottle Free Water coolers that purify […]

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Bottled Water Vs. Home Filter System

Bottled Water is not Environmentally Friendly Where does your bottled water come from? Also if you are environmentally minded did you ever wonder how much of a carbon footprint does it have both in producing and transporting. Do you know how your bottled water is made, how safe is it, how fresh is it?  how much […]

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