Whole House Water Filter Cartridge System
Introducing the MineralPro Point of Entry Water Filter System Mineral Pro’s Whole House Cartridge System is a Point Of Entry ( POE) system, which means it is typically installed on the main water line inside your house and upstream of any outlets. This system is designed for two purposes, first is for sediment removal, […]
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Why choosing a MineralPro Water Filter is your best bet for safe drinking water!
What makes MineralPro Water Filters the best on the Market? We use only the Highest Quality Components MineralPRO Systems are made with the highest quality components, the best design and by far the safest, best tasting water you can get. Many people tell us they could not live without our water; many fill their […]
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Bottlefree Water Coolers – VS – Bottle Coolers
Introducing the Bottle free water cooler! The old style, office water cooler has been around for decades, most people don’t even give them much thought when they take a glass full of water! But when you tell people there is a better way, their ears usually perk up! Bottled Water is an unsustainable idea whose […]
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How can I ensure my tap water is safe to drink?
Is there anything wrong with my tap water? Is tap water safe to drink? We hear this all the time. In general, the answer is yes, and in fact, very often tap water is safer to drink than bottled water. That said, increasingly we read of stories about people finding out that there are dangerous […]
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Do I need a Water Filter?
Is My TapWater Safe to Drink? People often say – “it comes out of my tap clear and it tastes ok so why do I need a filter?” Most contaminants found in our drinking water have no taste and do not add any color to the water so how do you really know it is […]
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MineralPro is Proud to Introduce the NEW 700 Series RO Water Filtration System
Mineral Pro Mfg is very proud and excited to be introducing our new 700 series Reverse Osmosis with many added features and benefits! The 700 Series has an Eco-friendly RO Membrane Our new 700 Series RO now has an Eco-Friendly RO Membrane- why is this a good thing? This RO Membrane uses 50% less […]
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Alkaline Water Filters
Alkaline Water Filters, also referred to as PH Water Filters, Alkaline Water Systems, Alkaline Filters and PH Filters are a great solution to improve the Alkaline levels in your body. Mineral Pro has developed a Reverse Osmosis and Ultra-Filtration system which has the added benefit of providing customers with healthy mineral content in your drinking/cooking […]
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Get the lead out!
Children and pregnant women are at the highest risk from lead exposure. Lead can cause premature births, reduce birth weight, delay physical and mental development in babies and young children, and can have an effect on learning abilities. In adults a build up of lead in the body can cause kidney damage, anemia and damage […]
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Making Your Tap Water Safe to Drink
What is in Your Tap Water? Depending on where your drinking water comes from, it may contain many different contaminants; some we may know about some we may not know about. In today’s world we use so many different chemicals, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, etc. These contaminants end up in our groundwater, rivers, lakes and wells […]
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