MineralPro Whole House Cartridge Filtration System
Whole House Cartridge System Mineral Pro’s Whole House Cartridge System is a Point Of Entry ( POE) system, which means it is typically installed on the main water line inside your house and upstream of any outlets. This system is designed for two purposes, first is for sediment removal, second is for reduction of Chlorine […]
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Mineral Alkaline Water
The Best Tasting and Healthiest Water There is much debate over what is the best water for drinking and cooking. Many say tap water is good enough – looks clean and the price is right. Others say bottled water is best, some prefer distilled water, some like mineral alkaline water, what can you believe? The reality is […]
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An Introduction to the MineralPro Reverse Osmosis Filter
Reverse Osmosis Filters – A sure path to great drinking water! The principals of reverse osmosis have been known and understood for hundreds of years, yet many of us are unaware what they are and how filters based on this technology work. Recent advances in materials ensure that RO filters can cost effectively be used even […]
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What’s in Your Drinking Water?
Drinking Water Contains More Than H2O A customer sent us this photo of his house pre-filter a while ago, obviously very concerned to know what the horrible white scum was showing up in his filter. He lives on the west coast of BC and sent the photo in October, prime time for salmon spawning … […]
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Get a Bottlefree Water Cooler
Bottlefree Water Coolers VS. Bottle Coolers The old style, office water cooler has been around for decades, most people don’t even give them much thought when they take a glass full of water! But when you tell people there is a better way, their ears usually perk up! Think Bottle Free Water coolers that purify […]
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Clean Water
Taking Clean Water for Granted In western society we all take “Clean Water” for granted and have the expectation that it is our right to have clean water piped to our homes. Most of us never give much thought about this precious necessity of life!
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Healthy Drinking Water
4 Properties To Get Healthy Water Healthy drinking water has four properties that set it apart from regular tap water and most bottled waters. To be considered healthy drinking water it must be: Cleaned of Harmful Contaminants Including chlorine, fluoride, pharmaceutical drugs, metals (mercury, bromide, lead, arsenic), chemicals, bacteria and more. Replenished with Natural Minerals […]
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Washing and Cooking Organic Fruit and Veggies in Tap Water
Organic Veggies but what about the water Do you spend the extra money to buy healthy organic fruit and vegetables for your family’s health and normally wash these in tap water? If so you are cheating yourself of the full benefit of buying expensive healthy vegetables. Washing and Cooking in Healthy Water I find it very surprising […]
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Bottled Water Vs. Home Filter System
Bottled Water is not Environmentally Friendly Where does your bottled water come from? Also if you are environmentally minded did you ever wonder how much of a carbon footprint does it have both in producing and transporting. Do you know how your bottled water is made, how safe is it, how fresh is it? how much […]
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